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Sunscape Real Estate About Us

Before you consider visiting Spain, we will help and advise you until the time arrives where we together believe we have an exceptional portfolio of properties, matching your requirements.

We will initially hold a one hour conversation with you to fully understand your needs, this will include budget, house style, location and any other particular requirements you have.

From the information, we will source properties and provide you with detailed reports on the location, so you know exactly what you are considering. This will be formulated using our years of experience from living in Spain.

Once we both believe we have some great options, we will be able to help you plan your trip to Spain, and provide all the assistance that is needed.

You will be allocated a Sunscape representative, whom will be with you through the whole journey, until we hopefully find that amazing property you are looking for.  We will book all appointments; assist with transport, in fact anything that’s needed to make the process as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

We will be able to not only find your perfect property, we will provide access to specialist advisors to ensure everything you do is correct, and that your investment if fully protected and legal.

We will assist with all matters on your purchase, right up until completion day when you receive your new keys. In fact, we hope to make such an impact that we will become your friends in the future, and will be always here to help and advise you for years to come.

We also will be able to help with other matters, for example mortgages, currency transfers and legal advisors.

We really want to make your purchase as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. There will be no pressure from us, we will handle communication with agents and builders, making all of your appointments from one contact point! A simple relaxing method, couple with the best honest advice available, the best way to protect your investment!

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